“Get up and enter the city, where you will be told what you must do.” - Acts 9:6

 As we enter the city in 2024, we hope your household will discern your financial support of our mission and ministries as part of our spiritual practice. Your generosity will help this community grow and flourish, now and for years to come. Thank you.

Click here to read Father Stephen’s letter about this year’s stewardship campaign.

Enter the
Challenging City

- SPiN (St. Paul’s in the Neighborhood)
- Little Free Pantry
- Cultivating our Labyrinth Garden
- Renewing and remodeling our mission base

Enter the
Ordinary City

- Parish life
- Liturgy and faith formation
- Expand lay and clergy staff, including a curate and additional administrative support

Enter the
Glorious City

- Soaring music, which requires additional funding for section leaders
- Liturgy and arts
- Contemplation and action in the Anglo- Catholic tradition

How can I make a pledge:

  • Attend our pledge ingathering on Sunday, November 5 and submit a pledge card in-person

  • Log into Realm or click the button below to make an online pledge or donation

What your annual pledge covers:

Website hosting for one year: $400

Nursery staff for one month: $996

Live-streaming costs for one month: $1,386

Ordination candidate for one year: $2,000

Organ & piano maintenance for one year: $2,520

Water bill for one year: $2,900

Choir soloists for one month: $4,041

Insure our building for six months: $6,000

Heating bill for one year: $9,017

All expenses for one week: $11,539

All expenses for one month: $50,000