Bolster Garden

Fred Bolster, a St. Paul’s parishioner, designed the original terraced landscape on the east side of the building as a decorative garden after the completion of the new church building in 1963. After Fred’s death in 1978, his ashes were interred in the garden and the space was designated the Bolster Memorial Garden in honor of his work and dedication. Presently, ashes of just under 100 deceased parishioners are buried in this space.

At St. Paul’s, in addition to funerals, we offer parishioners and families of parishioners the choice of the burial of a loved one’s ashes in our Bolster Memorial Garden.

We encourage parishioners to plan their funerals well in advance of the need to do so. To facilitate this, email the parish office for a funeral planning form or registration forms for the Bolster Garden.

Stone Celtic Cross in Bolster Garden